Week 26 - Fall Things
I have long since given up on predicting what videos will do well on what app. I am wrong 100 percent of the time.
Week 24 - A Haunting
I’m hoping time will do an impossible thing and slow down but I won’t be holding my breath.
Week 22 - It’s October Now
Just because I go to stand in line for the cookies, does not mean that yall need to.
Week 21 - Birthday Boy
I made Cosmos for the signature cocktail because signature cocktails are fun and fancy.
Week 20 - Birthday Girl
We are just not as popular or interesting as the overpriced, bespectacled, table turkey and honestly that’s fair.
Week 19 - 500
I especially love when someone plays along with my nonsense and says something equally hilarious.
Week 18 - Onward
What now? What’s next? Will I ever have another funny thought in my head?
Week 17 - Tigah Bait
If I made 6K people laugh for even just as long as that 1 minute video, I’ve done my job.
Week 16 - BamaRush and the Fear of Failure
What happens when I post the next reel and it absolutely bombs?…Absolutely nothing is what will happen.
Week 13 - Beach Theme
I did post a video of me frolicking on the beach but because I’m over 30 absolutely no one is interested and it got like 40 views. OH WELL.
Week 12 - Antiquing Adventures
Time will tell if anything I left behind nags at me and I’m forced to run back and go get it…
Week 11 - Nanny BeBe
As always, I definitely don’t have a plan or any idea what I’m doing.
Week 10 - Hanging Ten
No one is more surprised than me that I’ve made it a full 10 weeks chasing my nonsense dream of being a haphazard, albeit beloved, mega influencer.
Week 9 - Party Rocking
Unless and until you’ve had really horrific cake do you understand how hard good cake is to come by.
Week 8 - Summer Photoshoot
It’s as glamorous as it sounds. Everything goes perfect and exactly according to plan.