Week 12 - Antiquing Adventures

This week in Live Well Darlings Land we explored my shopping rules, the very same ones I went antiquing with. I could have easily spent hundreds, I found so many amazing things but on this trip, the things that immediately sparked joy was gold fan I found hidden behind a bed frame, and the pillar candle holder. Time will tell if anything I left behind nags at me and I’m forced to run back and go get it…

In addition to my antiquing adventures, I went to a new to me restaurant and it was absolutely amazing. Modesto’s in Baton Rouge was incredible and I enjoyed every minute. The elote corn was probably the best I’ve ever had, the tacos were rich and flavorful, and to WARSH it down, I had a frozen prickly pear margarita. Actively working on an excuse to get me back there.

If that wasn’t enough, the new Barbie movie came out and best thing I could think to do to celebrate was to get me some fake nails to try out for the first time. It’s still fresh and the jury’s still out on how successful I’ll be this week with them but I have the highest of hopes.

You’ll notice I made a big effort to take more pictures for my gallery this week. I took pictures of my food at a restaurant which felt pretty influencery. I also thought to throw in a portrait of my sweaty self running just to keep things spicy.

In other personal news I’ve been trying to get back into my running. I’ve really missed it. The hardest thing is being gentle with myself and not comparing where I was to where I am now. I just want to dive right back in and it’s hard to not focus on speed or mileage. Also, I would really rather not get injured so slow and steady it is.

We are halfway through the year and I’m nearly 3 months into my little internet adventure. It is interesting how the brain shifts “experiences” into “content”. I so desperately want to strike the right balance between enjoying myself, having fun, and being in the moment, while also creating (hopefully) entertaining content for an audience. I’m also making a concerted effort not to compare myself to anyone. You can’t compare yourself to people who are 1, 3, 5, 10 years ahead of you and for me right now, that is literally everyone. I’m a little baby creator. I am just barely figuring things out so why bother being bothered by where everyone else is at. It also keeps me sane because if I paid any real attention to how great a job everyone else is doing, I probably wouldn’t bother getting out of bed for this. So my grand plan is to just keep my head down, stay in my lane, and see if I can make my friends and family laugh. Everyone else is just a bonus.

  • Burden of Proof docu-series on Max. This was heavy. The pain and frustration from everyone is palpable.

    Barbie Movie!!! I went with a mom friend and we got dressed up and I was ready for a fun time and it definitely was and I definitely laughed but also it was introspective and provocative and just so very well done! One of my favorite scenes was Barbie at the bus stop telling the older woman how beautiful she was and then the older woman going ‘I know.’ Highly recommend!!!

    RHONY - I am loving absolutely all of them. So much fun.

  • This article from The Good Trade about wholesome things.

    This article from Intelligent Change about time. Oh how this spoke to me. We are halfway through 2023 and I’ve already been thinking about all the events and things coming up beginning with ‘Back to School’ and ending with New Years Eve. It’s already felt overwhelming. I needed this to remind me to stay in the present moment. I especially loved, ‘In its ethereal dance, time presents itself as a precious gift, a currency of experiences to be cherished and embraced.’ A thousands yeses to this whole thing.

  • Scamanda Podcast. Finished all the episodes, including the bonus episodes and I am obsessed with this. I want to consume every piece of information on this I can find. I truly can’t believe she got away with it for so long. THE AUDACITY.

  • BLT Pasta Salad from Half Baked Harvest. This was a huge hit and though it was BLT inspired the addition of grilled corn and fresh avocado took it over the top. It made A LOT and we had lunch leftovers for days.

  • Gold fan wall hanging and pillar candle holder from the antique store! Absolutely obsessed with my finds. I can’t wait to go back.

    Olive and June Instant Mani Press On Nails in Hibiscus!

What wine pairs well with what depends entirely upon what kind of bad day you had.
— ME

antiquing queen


antiquing queen 〰️

Week 12 Stats

Week 13 - Beach Theme


Week 11 - Nanny BeBe