Live Well Darlings

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Week 9 - Party Rocking

This week I cracked 10K likes on the Tok! My one viral reel still steadily brings in likes and followers. I’m definitely in 200 view jail trying to break out but what is wild to me, is that I haven’t really noticed a change or big difference in my views from when I had 40 followers to 400 followers. It hasn’t really made a difference. Weighing my options and contemplating doing a series of some sort or adding in lives to see if that would help. I could see my reach growing on the back end of Instagram but I haven’t recovered fully yet from when I was in Instagram jail and couldn’t interact with anyone. Facebook has growing insights but I haven’t done a lot to engage there. It’s just crossposting what I put out on Instagram. I do not yet understand the difference between followers and page likes. I’m also still getting used to the meta business site and familiarizing myself with what it is I’m even looking at.

This past week it was my sons birthday. I have saved the decor from every party my kids have had on the off chance that they might get reused. Why buy twice? Our first repeat offender was Pirate theme. In addition to what I already had a neighbor posted they were giving away all the extras they had from their pirate party and did anybody want it? No one has flown out of their house faster. Free is one of my love languages. We had to source a pirate bouncy house which was harder to track down then you’d think. The one we used a few years ago I guess had popped and the company hadn’t replaced it yet. A saga ensued. Then of course we ordered a gorgeous treasure map cake. Cake is my other love language. No expense spared, I’m not even sorry. Unless and until you’ve had really horrific cake do you understand how hard good cake is to come by. I’ve found my bakery and I’m holding on to them for dear life. Other celebratory activities included burgers, swimming, and more rounds of Code Names than I could possibly count.

In other news, I feel like a really have to make a newsletter. I feel like I’ve been saying that for a month but I mean it this time.