Live Well Darlings

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Week 31 - Laces Out

For whatever dumb reason we signed up for a 10K. I’ve done 5K’s before but never a 10K. Turns out, they are twice as long as a 5K and you have to seriously train for them. I started training about 6 months out. I had several fits and starts, for small injuries that required a week off here and there. This was the hottest, driest summer and training every day either walking or running was miserable. But it was also amazing. My training time was me time. Time out of the house to clear my head, listen to music or a podcast. Time just for me. As the weeks counted down it became clear I was going to be nowhere near my previous best 5K pace or mile times. But at a little over a year postpartum, with just a few months of training I simply didn’t care. I race for me. I wasn’t competing against anybody else or their best time. This was for me. A postpartum mom getting back out there proving to myself that I can. I will get back to my best times in due course. I’ll get there when I get there. But I like the challenge.

My oldest turned 9 this past week. I am unwell. Nine is halfway to 18 and my heart is frozen in my chest at how fast 9 years went. Another 9 will fly just as fast if not faster because that’s what time does and I’m overwhelmed at the thought that it’s just not enough. There is never enough time.

Real life has been super busy lately and I haven’t filmed as much as I wanted to. Going into the holidays I am unsure if it’s going to get much better. I have deep respect for all the real content creators and influencers who continue to post through the holidays and all their life events. It is so much harder than it looks. I tip my hat.