Week 45 - Quarter Million Club
Somehow or another ‘Southern Daughter’ is officially my most watched piece of content on either platform. It’s my first video that continues generate likes and follows long past the initial ‘viral surge’. It’s very exciting but again intimidating trying to figure out the follow up. I retreat and overthink. Hopefully with time and practice I will work through that and get over myself.
Spring is blooming. These last several outdoor walks I’ve watched the trees come out of hibernation and begin to bud and sprout their leaves and flowers. Spring and summer aren’t traditionally my favorite seasons but I’m learning to love them anyway. Without spring and summer, I don’t get my fall and winter. With spring, of course comes an overwhelming desire to revamp my entire house. I want to clean everything, get rid of everything, redecorate everything. I want home improvement projects and garden makeovers which is amazing because I have neither more time or money than I did a few weeks ago. Plucking weeds maybe the best we get for now.
Easter is a couple weeks away and I am determined to have everything gathered together well ahead of time. I have waited to the last minute one too many times, driving myself and my husband crazy in the process and I am determined to do better with my time management. Work smarter and not harder. I spent an evening on my couch with a glass of wine and google and began to assemble all the pieces for a perfectly coordinated but not matching family Easter ensemble. I ordered everything and didn’t have to pay extra for rush shipping. I feel on top of the world. I feel like I deserve a medal. I will ride this high for the next day at least.