Week 39 - Sick Bed

Well, what I thought would be better by the weekend, and then for sure by Monday, did not get better and in fact only got worse. I swear I broke my fever three separate times. I got up to 104* before I finally agreed to go see a doctor. To my I surprise, I tested negative for everything. On my visit papers they put “Upper Respiratory Infection” which doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as it was. I was prescribed a Z pack and sent on my way. When I got home I got a bad case of the chills and I couldn’t shake it. My husband wrapped me like a burrito in 3 blankets and I was still shivering. My voice went out, it hurt to talk. I couldn’t figure out if hot liquids or cold liquids made my throat feel better. The congestion crud was so deep in my chest I thought I’d never get it out. I finally started to feel better after a couple days on the medicine but my recovery was slow. It took awhile to feel like I had my strength back.

So you can see gentle reader, how my resolutions and goals are off to the swiftest of starts! I am undeterred. I’ll get back at it (again). My mind is swirling with ideas, it’s just having the energy and stamina to make them happen.

  • I slept and I read. If I watched anything at all, I don’t remember it.

  • Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica - I really enjoyed this. The wives are teacher friends and one’s husband is missing. I could barely put it down, I had to know what happened.

    The Secrets You Keep by Kate White - I’ve been in a domestic suspense mood. I was sick and all I could do was lay down and read.

    Don’t Turn Around by Jessica Barry - Two women trapped in a car with a madman in a truck trying to run them off the road. Which one is he after? Read at your own risk! Definitely don’t read it before any road trips!

  • Too sick to walk or go anywhere. I could only manage my weekly DeuxU.

  • I cooked zero things this week. My husband made me soup and bought me Smoothie King.

  • Aerin Amber Musk Perfume - I love this perfume so much. I first tried it as a sample and my husband said something every time I wore it. Major signature scent potential for me.

I wanna get better.
— Bleachers (but also ME)



Sickly 〰️

Week 39 Stats

Week 40 - 1000


Week 38 - Cold Front