Week 28 - Slowing Down

This week I was able to get exactly 1 video out. My slowest week yet. All the powers that be recommend posting at least once a day, 3 or more times if you can especially on TikTok. It’s a great goal and one I hope to get to one day. I’m still working on training my brain to think in terms of content and different types of content. I want to explore vlogs as well as get better at super short 10-20 sec videos. Sometimes it’s lack of confidence, hyper-critical thoughts, not feeling funny or having a bad day. Sometimes it’s simply logistical, a super busy week or kids were sick or I’m otherwise needed elsewhere to do other things. I feel bad not being productive. Fear of missing out on engagement and momentum is real. I also want to give myself grace and allow space and room for the unexpected. I want to build up a drafts folder for those days but right now it’s all I can do to get 1 piece out per day. On the flip side, hyper productivity can lead to burn out and I definitely don’t want to do that. I’d rather take the small breaks as they come and jump back in after a couple of days, then burn out and not post for months. I choose not to overthink it and commit to doing better “tomorrow.” Committing to taking it one day at a time and doing the best I can with what I’ve got each day. Each day may not be brilliant but the act of creating is important. I’m committed to that.

  • The Golden Bachelor - Gary is such a dear. I am rooting for him and for all the ladies to find love. They’re all so deserving and charming and have all aged so gracefully. I want to be them when I grow up. Also, their bloopers remain unmatched in this franchise. Full stop.

    Bachelor in Paradise - John Henry….oh John Henry, bless your heart. Please see Brayden who’s just discovered that he threw away a tangible connection for the next shiny thing and now has major regrets.

  • The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor - I blazed through this book in 3 days which for me (mom with small baby) is impressive. Such an interesting topic, extremely well written, fast paced, no lulls. I loved it. Highly recommend!

  • DeuxU Podcast - Permanent plug. I am living for any and every crumb about Taylor and Travis. Gimme more, I need to hear more!

    Dark House Podcast - The Black Dahlia episodes and the Lucy Murder House. Loved the deep dive into the Black Dahlia case. I’ve been fascinated for years and I still learned new things.

  • Everything Cheddar Tomato Bacon Grilled Cheese by Half Baked Harvest. These are absolutely delicious. Super fancy, grown up grilled cheese. Incredible flavor combination.

  • Groceries. I have bought groceries. I haven’t made an Amazon purchase in weeks. I am sure our package delivery men are going to come knock and check on us any day to make sure we’re alright.

I don’t want to get out of bed before the sun.
— ME

Standard Time Stan


Standard Time Stan 〰️

Week 28 Stats

Week 29 - Plans


Week 27 - Boo