Week 35 - New Years

Christmas was magic. We had a larger than normal crowd with my moms siblings in attendance but it was warm and full of children’s laughter and joy exactly as it should be. My uncle made the most incredible variety of steaks and my eyes rolled to the back of my head with every bite. We ate any and all sugar cookies that weren’t nailed down and had some amazing bottles of wine. Santa was good to your girl and I got the most precious pair of socks with all my sweet children’s faces on them. I laughed til I nearly cried. It was perfect in nearly every way.

The week after Christmas is maybe my favorite week of the year. For us, in our family, most everybody has the week off. Offices are closed, no meetings, no emails, no school, no sports or activities. Just pure, quality family time. Especially after the rush and lead up to Christmas running around planning, preparing, and making Christmas magic for everyone, the week after is a slow, quiet, haze, spent just enjoying each other. We play games, watch movies, cook together, drink together. It isn’t fancy but it’s perfect for me. I’m so grateful for the family time and I don’t take it for granted for a second.

Every New Years my grandpa has a big gathering at his house with all of our extended family. Everyone takes turns cooking and sometimes it’s a potluck. There’s games and football watching. We play with everyone’s dogs and catch up. After we went home and had a relatively quiet night, we watched the ball drop on TV and shared a bottle of champagne.

Of course the new year brings new hope, promises, and dreams. I could’ve never imagined I’d be where I am now when I started my accounts in May. I’ve given myself permission to laugh, be silly, not care what others think, take chances, and live my life. I am so excited for the new year and what’s to come. I’m so grateful for everyone who follows along and enjoys my nonsense. Cheers to many more laughs!

  • Reacher (Season 1) on Amazon Prime - I enjoyed the movie but wasn’t terribly sure about this show. I reluctantly agreed to start watching it with my husband in the post holidays haze and I quickly became obsessed. It’s so much fun.

  • Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates - I just love reading seasonal books. A group of people on vacation are stranded in a snowstorm after their shuttle bus is blocked by a fallen tree. One by one they turn up murdered. I haven’t finished it quite yet but I’m deeply invested in figuring out who “the butcher” is.

  • Someone Knows Something Podcast - Hosted by David Ridgen, each season focuses on a missing person or unsolved case. David handles these families with such care and compassion. The endings are not always neatly wrapped in a bow with all the answers but that is real life. It’s these families real lives. Their stories are so heartbreaking but I’m hoping the exposure helps moves their cases forward.

  • Lasagna - I have the best lasagna recipe, I do. It’s rich and luxurious. It has ruined restaurant lasagnas for me forever. It’s worth every bit of effort which is why it’s perfect for the holidays.

  • Burga Phone Cases! I got the Snowstorm and Make A Wish Gold Marble colorways. I feel so fancy!

New Year, same haphazard influencer.
— Me




Week 35 Stats

Week 36 - Back at It


Week 34 - Believe