Live Well Darlings

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Week 14 - Heat Warnings and Pipedreams

Dove head first back into school this week. Weeks of back to school shopping, back to school supply drop offs, and meet the teachers finally culminated in a First Day of School. It’s definitely been more quiet with my oldest children gone all day and while I do miss them, I’m enjoying the extra time to tackle more projects around the house.

We are still drowning in our own sweat down here. My phone pings constant excessive heat warnings, we’ve barely had any rain, there is no relief anywhere in sight. A bunch of us are signed up for a 10K and training has been near impossible. It’s the absolute worst when the desire is there, the spirit is indeed willing, but also I cannot have my organs cook from the inside out.

In case you haven’t been sleeping under a rock, Taylor Swift released more tour dates. She’s coming to New Orleans and as you maybe saw, I had absolutely no chill. I still don’t. I signed up to register through Ticketmaster but ALAS, I have been waitlisted. I am devastated to say the very least. I know getting a code isn’t a guarantee but being waitlisted is absolutely crushing. My Eras fantasies are now my Eras pipedreams. I’m trying to hold out hope for a miracle but I’m also realistic. Anything can happen! But it also might not! I’m going to need to take a mental health day.

August is moving fast. I’m constantly trying to remind myself to slow down and enjoy what each day brings, in the moment. The fall into the holidays is our busiest time of year and I’m trying to prevent the planning and constant looking ahead to the next from making it turn into a blur. I want to move slower, more intentionally, rather than frenzied and frazzled.

For my actual influencing update, my Instagram seems to have slowed but my Facebook seems to have picked up. Not in terms of more followers but more views and likes. TikTok is still moving along, probably my favorite platform if I’m honest. I enjoy getting random likes from everybody but it’s so satisfying to get a like from someone, they view your profile, and the next time you log in, that same person has gone back and watched and liked several more videos and started following. It’s one thing to like one video, it’s another to like a body of work and it makes me so appreciative!