Live Well Darlings

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Week 43 - Girls Just Want to Have Fun

My computer died a quick and sudden death. I thought I would have more warning, more hiccups along the way if you will but no. Hard crash. Just didn’t wake up one day. In the ensuing days I felt detached. Unmoored. Completely disconnected from reality (reader please note I still had full access to my phone and iPad). It was DIRE. I had no choice but to go buy a new one. There is nothing like having to spend a significant amount of money with little to no warning. But each day I was getting further and further behind on my work (my real work) and it had to be done. It’s an anxiety ridden experience. Dealing with salespeople, making decisions, spend that kind of money, the fear not everything will transfer over. At the same time, the rush I get unboxing and opening my new computer for the first time. I’m on top of the world. I’m excited and grateful.

In happy news, mom came back into town for her birthday. I picked her up from the airport and surprised her with Debbie Does Doberge. If there’s anything mom loves it’s doberge. We got 4 flavors and they were all delicious. Shoutout to the woman at the Bakery Bar who reserved the pistachio slice til I got there and further understood the assignment by packing up all the to-go utensils, napkins, and extra boxes so we could eat in the car. It only went up from there. We got to spend some quality girl time together and went bra and makeup shopping, specifically makeup that mom can leave at our house so she can travel back and forth that much lighter. We did all the testers and all the samples and it was so much fun. Sunday was family dinner. We celebrated 3 birthdays and played Wavelengths for the first time. Once we got the hang of it, we had so much fun. We only had a cheat just a little bit. We were so busy shopping, eating, playing games and drinking wine that I forgot to film. I was too busy living in the moment to notice. Not necessarily a bad thing.