Live Well Darlings

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Week 25 - Oops I Forgot to Post Again

An absolutely insane week that resulted in me posting nothing. Being a high falutin influencer is still brand new to me. Thinking up content on the fly is still brand new and a skill I hope to develop over time. Sometimes I take the video but am so busy in the moment and after that I forget to post what I have and then it feels weird to post it days later. C’est la vie.

This past week I was sick and had a lot of fun with it. At first I worried about filming and the things I had planned kind of being ruined but then I just went along for the ride and filmed as I thought up things. I spent one day sourcing and thrifting pieces for a costume which unexpectedly inspired more content there in the parking lot of the store. When I’m on, I’m on but other times thinking of ideas is like pulling teeth. I think this is probably true of all creatives. We just have to learn when the inspiration strikes to milk it for all it’s worth. Learning to trust the fact that great ideas will come again even if we can’t predict when they do. I’m trying not to be so hard on myself when I miss filming or I don’t have good ideas. I try to take it in stride and keep telling myself that tomorrow is a new day. I am baby brand new at this and I refuse to compare myself to creators who’ve been at this for a year or better. I’m figuring it out as I go along and that’s okay. For me this is a practice as much as it’s a performance.

So what was I doing? I had to make a sooner and slighter longer than initially planned trip to Arkansas which I road tripped with my mom. We drove back in time to pick up my kids from school and had about 30 minutes to spare before heading out to Ghosts in the Oaks and a quick tour of houses decorated for Halloween, our favorite of course being the Skeleton House. My boys absolutely loved it. Saturday we had a birthday party to attend and after I went to Vintage Market Days with my mom. I had a rare date night with my husband and we had dinner at The Vintage and cocktails at Hayride Scandal. Sunday we had a trunk or treat and family dinner. In between all that we did a full wash of our couch cushions (which means completely reassembling it) and rugs. While I absolutely loved all of our activities, I was relieved to make it Monday and the normal routine of it all.

Next up this weekend, an extraordinary amount of Halloween activities. Just so many. Sunday is booked solid. I will be lucky if I’m home for even 1 hour. I do absolutely love it but at the same time it will be fun to see whose energy taps out first, mine or the kids.