Live Well Darlings

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Week 13 - Beach Theme

Three whole entire months of influencing down in the books. My 13th blog post. Where has the time gone? If you can believe it, I actually started posting my videos on youtube shorts. Yes, really! Youtube shorts only allows for 1 minute per video, so in posting my old videos I’ve had to go back and trim them down to meet requirements. It’s strange to revisit those first reels. I’ve learned a lot since then. While it would be easy to feel some sort of embarrassment or awkwardness around them I don’t. It’s just all part of the process.

This past week I posted videos about my first ever experience with fake nails. I’ve never gotten them done at a salon, these were just press-ons but I had the most fun. What a character building prop! I definitely feel I carried myself differently for all the days I had them on. More confidence maybe? I was aware of my movements in a way I’ve never been before. I had to adjust how I did just about everything. I wanted them to last as long as possible so I was careful not to do things where they might accidently pop off. They made it several days and were great quality for the price, as far as I can tell having never done it before. My real nails definitely need a little break to recover but I will absolutely be doing it again in the future!

In personal news, we went to the beach! Our little family took a day trip to the beach as one last hurrah before the end of summer. While summer isn’t technically over for quite a bit, the kids will be going back to school. It was very hot but it was beautiful. We pretty much had an entire section to ourselves. The water was extremely shallow which is exactly my speed with how little the babies are. We went out to the sandbar, attempted to make sandcastles, painted seashells which was a great mandatory break in the shade. We stayed out for hours before heading in for dinner at a place called, Shaggy’s. We sat up on the balcony just as the sun was setting. There was plenty of shade from the umbrellas and a nice breeze. The food was really good and very fast which with hungry boys was a huge bonus. I would love to go back again a little later in the year. I did post a video of me frolicking on the beach but because I’m over 30 absolutely no one is interested and it got like 40 views. OH WELL.